Refund Policy

Our DesigntoCodes team works very hard to ensure our customers’ satisfaction with the products they have purchased from us. If you are experiencing problems with a premium DesignToCodes product, believe it is defective, or are frustrated, please contact customer support to report your defective product. Our team will assist you as soon as possible. In the case of a damaged template or kit, we will request a link or a screenshot of the problem to be sent to our support service.

100% refund will be avail if the product you’ve purchased is:

  • The product description is completely misleading.
  • You got a different product file instead of what you have ordered
  • The product is entirely non-functional.
  • You contacted our customer support team but did not receive a response within 72 hours (business days only).

DesignToCodes provides a full refund within ten business days of the payment being made by the member. In this case, DesignToCodes has the right to ask questions about the refund, and we also have the right to refuse the refund if we believe it is unreasonable.

DesignToCodes reserves the right to refuse refunds in the following circumstances:

  • You have changed your mind about a purchase.
  • You purchased an item by mistake, and the item(s) was sent/already downloaded to you.
  • Your employee or inmate bought the product(s) using your payment method, which they had access to.
  • You denied our support staff access to your website for them to investigate the problem with our product.
  • It has been more than ten days since the purchase, and you have yet to contact DesignToCodes customer support with a genuine issue.
  • DesignToCodes does not provide refunds for items purchased at a discounted price or free. Items purchased at a reduced cost/free (e.g., promotions/discounts) are not eligible for a refund even if that product price is later increased.
  • No refunds will be given for any item (even if purchased at full price) while any discount offer is active on our website. Your refund request will be considered after the discount offer/campaign has expired.

If you receive a refund, you will no longer be able to use the downloaded premium products. It may take up to 14 days for a refund to appear in your account. If you require any additional information, please contact us.

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